KDA Training

Here is a list of our planned curriculum. If a course is available online, there will be a link to it in the course entry. If one is under construction, we will note when it will be available.

Number Title Length Mode

County Party Training

CP 101 Executive Cmte Basics (roles, responsibilities, rules)  1 hr In-person, virtual, recorded
CP 102

Building a Bench and Raising Money

4 hrs Recording coming in January 2024
CP 103 Anti-Harassment, Cultural Competency, and Best Practices 1 hr Recorded (click link to view)
CP 104 Legislative Ethics Best Practices 30 min Recorded (click link to view)
CP 105 KREF Best Practices    
CP 105 Recruiting and Engaging Volunteers 2 hrs In-person, virtual, recorded
CP 106 Effective Meetings / Robert’s Rules 1 hr Recorded (also can be done virtual or in person if desired)
CP 201 Networking and Connection-Building 2 hrs In-person, virtual, recorded
CP 202 The Street Leader Program 3 hrs In-person

Candidate Training

CAN 101 Thinking About Running for Office 2 hrs Recorded (click link to view)
CAN 102 KREF Training 1 hr Video (click link to view)
CAN 103 Finding and Hiring Staff 1 hr Video (click link to view)
CAN 104 Creating a Campaign Plan 1 hr Video (click link to view)
CAN 105 Fund-Raising Events & Call Time 1 hr Video (click link to view)
CAN 106 Messaging 1 hr Video (click link to view)

If you have suggestions for other topics or courses, please use the Contact Us form to tell us about them. Thanks!

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