Announcing the KY Democratic Auxiliary, AND our newest courses!

We are excited to announce the formation of a new organization, the Kentucky Democratic Auxiliary (or KDA for short).

We are a group of volunteers who have come together from across the state to “build the party from the ground up.” Our mission statement is simple and direct:

We empower Democrats to win by providing training, resources, and support.

You can learn more about the group on the About page. To see what training is currently offered or planned for the future, visit the Training page. To access our list of resources (all free!), check out the Resources page. And to get in touch, including to volunteer to help, use the Contact page. You can also use that page to sign up for our newsletter, so you’ll be updated when new training or resources are available.

We’re excited about our mission, and excited to get going! Join us!

New Classes for Candidates!

Now that the filing deadline has passed, we’re excited to announce a number of new classes for candidates!

CAN 101 – Thinking About Running for Office

This course is for anyone who has ever thought about running for political office, and wonders just what all is involved and how to decide. In a 25-minute video, chair Bruce Maples goes over the things you need to consider, and the questions you need to answer, before making your commitment to run. Jump here to learn more and watch the video!

CAN 102 – KREF Training

A must-view for all candidates and their treasurers. Led by John Steffen, the director of the KY Registry of Election Finance. Go here to watch the video.

CAN 103 – Finding and Hiring Staff

Let’s be clear: it is simply not possible to run for most offices without a staff. But, how do you find them? And how do you ensure they do their job well, and that everything is clear between you and them? Join us for this important class! Go here to watch the video of the first session.

CAN 104 – Creating a Campaign Plan

In this webinar, consultant Meredith Scalos walks through building a campaign plan, using the three legs of a good plan. She also has provided some sample documents, which are linked to in the description. Go here to watch and to find the files.

CAN 105 – Fund-Raising Events & Call Time

There are basically two ways to raise money for your campaign: calling, and events. In this video, we cover both, and give you guidance from persons who have done this work. Go here to watch and learn.

CAN 106 – Messaging

So you’re standing on someone’s front porch, they’ve opened the door, and – now what? Do you know what you are going to say? Even more importantly, do you know what you want them to remember?

In this candidate training, we will talk about messaging: what it is, how you create it, and how you use it. This is a critical part of a successful campaign, so jump in – and be prepared to take notes! Go here to learn more.


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